Children Bartered in Securing Migration and Maritime Powers - Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office

5 December 2014

Children bartered in securing Migration and Maritime Powers Legislation Amendment Bill 2014. The Bill is unethical, according to the Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office.
5 December 2014

Media Release

In an all-time low for Australian politics, the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection Scott Morisson, has won crossbencher’s support in passing a Bill that gives the government unprecedented powers to deal with asylum seekers.

The controversial Migration and Maritime Powers Legislation Amendment (the Asylum Legacy Caseload) Bill 2014 allows Australian officials to redefine who is classified as a refugee. This legislation enables the Government to overwrite the internationally accepted definition by the United Nations Refugee Convention, despite Australia being a signatory to the Convention.

To view the full media release please follow this link.