Disability Access and Inclusion Plan

Click here to download a copy of the Disability and Inclusion Plan

Background Information

Centrecare delivers over 70 quality professional counselling, support, mediation, accommodation and training services from a variety of office locations.

Our services include the provision of parenting workshops and information to adults, children and young people. Centrecare recognises that all people, regardless of ability, have the same opportunities for access to our services.


The Western Australian Disability Services Act 1993, (amended in 2004), requires Local and State Government authorities to develop and implement a Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP). The DAIP consists of six desired outcomes designed to ensure that people with disabilities can access services, information and facilities provided by State Government authorities in Western Australia. The DAIP aims to increase independence, opportunities and inclusion for people with disabilities in the community.

State Government authorities are required to take all practicable measures to ensure that the DAIP is implemented by authority, its officers and employees and its agents and contractors.” DAIP Resource Manual for State Government.

Centrecare receives funding from the Department through the Mental Health Division and is therefore required to act in compliance with the Health Department’s DAIP.

In complying with the Health Department’s DAIP, Centrecare will be expected to deliver its services consistent with the six desired DAIP outcomes.

DAIP Outcomes

Outcome 1

People with disabilities have the same opportunities as other people to access the services of, and any events organised by Centrecare.

  • The use of interpreters and translators from the National Auslan Interpreter Booking Service (NABS) for people who have a hearing impairment or other disabilities.
  • Ensure that all Centrecare flyers that promote or advertise community events include an invitation for people to RSVP and identify any special requirements for a person with a disability.
  • Make use of the Disability Services Commission’s (DSC) ‘Creating Accessible Events’ checklist when choosing a venue for a community event.
  • In our annual client survey, ask specific questions about accessibility to Centrecare services for people with disabilities. Act on the feedback where possible.
  • Centrecare staff will provide relevant verbal information to clients who experience literacy difficulties.

Outcome 2

People with disabilities have the same opportunities as other people to access the buildings and other facilities of Centrecare

  • All new Centrecare branches have easy access for people using mobility aids.
  • Where Centrecare branches are inaccessible for people with disabilities, an alternative venue will be arranged.

Outcome 3

People with disabilities receive information from Centrecare in a format that will enable them to access the information, as readily as other people are able to access it.

  • Website aims to comply with W3C Web Content Accessibility guideline such as:
    • Don't rely on color alone.
    • Use markup and style sheets and do so properly.
    • Clarify natural language usage.
    • Create tables that transform gracefully.
    • Ensure that pages featuring new technologies transform gracefully.

Outcome 4

People with disabilities receive the same level and quality of service from the staff of Centrecare.

  • DSC video is accessible to all staff on the Centrecare intranet.
  • Disability awareness training provided by staff viewing the video at induction and through regular updates in the quarterly staff newsletter.
  • Discuss quality of service for people with disabilities at management meetings as they arise.

Outcome 5

People with disabilities have the same opportunities as other people to make complaints to Centrecare

Centrecare values all clients equally and respects their right to make a complaint. The Client Rights and Responsibilities Policy is displayed in the reception area of all the Centrecare branches. It states that all Centrecare clients have a right to:

  • Be treated in a professional, courteous, and caring manner that respects and appreciates differences related to race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, religion, personal values, age, disability, and economic or veteran status.
  • Make a complaint about the service received from Centrecare and expect that this complaint will be investigated appropriately and in confidence.

(Updated May 2023)