Safe & Supported: the National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2021 - 2031

14 December 2021

On December 8 the new child protection framework “Safe and Supported: the National Framework” was released by federal Minister Anne Ruston, see her statement below. It was developed by the Commonwealth, and state and territory governments in partnership with SNAICC – National Voice for our Children (link is external) and an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Leadership Group. Contributions were also made by Families Australia, a national peak body seeking to improve the wellbeing of Australian families, and members of the National Coalition on Child Safety and Wellbeing, a group comprised of non-government organisations and researchers. Centrecare is a member of the Coalition and Centrecare Director, Tony Pietropiccolo, is a member of the Coalition’s steering group.

Below is additional information on “Safe and Supported: the National Framework” as well as the full document.

Full Document