National Apology - 13 Feb 2024

13 February 2024

Centrecare acknowledges the importance of this historical event and to remember the impact to the Stolen Generations and those whose lives have been blighted by past government policies of forced child removal and assimilation.

"Today, 13 Feb. is the 16th anniversary of the National Apology. This event marks the anniversary of the Apology in 2008 to Australia’s Indigenous peoples in the House of Representatives. The apology was made by former Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd for past laws, policies and practices that have impacted on Australia’s First Nations Peoples, particularly members of the Stolen Generations.

The motion was supported by the Opposition and passed through both houses of Parliament. Many members of the Stolen Generations were present in the Chamber to hear the Apology and thousands more filled the Great Hall of Parliament House and flowed out onto the lawns to watch it on big screens."

Here are some quick facts about the National Apology: (courtesy of Healing Foundation)

The National Apology - video