Housing Support Service (Southwest)
when you want a new start
A Centrecare service for people who have problems with alcohol and/or drug use and are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
To download Centrecare’s Housing Support Service brochure (5907), click here.
Are You:
- experiencing problem usage with alcohol and/or drugs and want to stop;
- linked into a specialist drug and/or alcohol service;
- homeless or at risk of homelessness;
- thinking about your future and concerned how you will cope;
- worried that you will relapse;
- wondering where you will live and how you will manage the accommodation;
- worried you will not be able to reconnect with family or others and how you will cope if you can’t;
- wanting your life to be different;
- looking to be employed or to further your education options; and/or
- unsure where to turn to for support and advice?
If you answer ‘yes’ to any of the above questions, then this service may be of help to you.
Referral is by specialist drug and alcohol services including community drug service teams, residential services and outpatient services and from homelessness workers.
Centrecare’s Housing Support Service in the South West aims to support people who are having problems relating to alcohol and/or drug use to secure and maintain stable accommodation and avoid homelessness.
The service can assist you:
- to access and continue engagement with your specialist drug and/or alcohol services;
- to access and maintain long term stable accommodation;
- reconnect with your family including children if this is possible;
- to budget more effectively and manage your finances;
- in accessing education, employment training opportunities, income entitlement, medical care etc.;
- with support to attend groups and courses to improve relationships with others, life skills, gain confidence, and develop positive options for the future;
- link with positive recreational and leisure activities; and
- access counselling or other support services for you or others living with you if needed.
Making contact
For more information or to make an appointment, telephone Centrecare on the phone number below.
Bunbury (08) 9721 5177.
The Housing Support Service is provided by Centrecare and funded by the State Government through the Department of Communities.