Homelessness Accommodation Support Worker North West Metropolitan

A Centrecare service for young people, single adults, families and women with children escaping domestic violence.
This service, run in partnership with the Patricia Giles Centre and Youth Futures WA, is for young people, single adults, couples, families and women with children escaping domestic violence, who are exiting the National Affordable Housing Agreement (NAHA) accommodation services. Housing support workers provide intensive support to people who have experienced homelessness to secure and maintain stable, long term accommodation.
We will assist you to:
- find and maintain secure, long term stable accommodation;
- establish a home, including the prurchasing of basic furniture, whitegoods and other household items;
- resolve financial issues, including assistance in accessing employment, education and training;
- establish or re-establish social and community support networks;
- link with mainstream and community services, including assistance with accessing income entitlements, medical care and recreational activities; and
- link children with local school and recreational opportunities.
The housing support worker service will also provide an advocacy role to assist people to achieve their goals, including tenancy support to assist people with maintaining their own long term accommodation.
For more information about the Homelessness Accommodation Support Worker North West Metropolitan service, please contact our Mirrabooka office on (08) 9440 0400 or email mirrabooka@centrecare.com.au

The Homelessness Accommodation Support Worker North West Metropolitan service is provided by Centrecare and funded by the State Government through the Department of Communities.