Private Rental Advocacy and Support Service (PRASS)
When living in private rental accommodation becomes difficult

A Centrecare service for people in private rental accommodation.
To download Centrecare's Private Rental Advocacy and Support Service brochure (4667J), click here.
At times, living in private accommodation can be difficult and you may begin to experience problems which could affect your tenancy.
Are you:
- behind in your rent;
- facing eviction;
- having difficulty speaking with your Property Manager;
- having neighbours complain about you;
- having problems with your neighbours;
- having problems with visitors;
- having trouble meeting real estate agency's property standards;
- having visitors damage your house;
- overcrowding your house;
- regularly receiving breaches from your real estate agent; and/or
- feeling stressed because of any of the above?
If you answer “yes” to any of the above questions and live in the North East Corridor of Perth, then this service may
be of help to you.
Centrecare’s Private Rental Advocacy and Support Service (PRASS) helps tenants in privately rented accommodation meet their tenancy agreement and responsibilities.
The service provides:
- access to counselling for household members;
- access to interpreters;
- advocacy in relation to stabilising long term private rental housing;
- assistance in accessing education, employment training opportunities, income entitlement, medical care etc.;
- budgeting/financial management;
- links with other services and advocacy to gain access to appropriate resources, if eligible;
- practical assistance, wherever possible, within the home or referral to alternative services;
- regular home visits to assist you find ways to stabilise your accommodation;
- skills development in maintaining your accommodation;
- support to develop better relationships between tenant and landlord; and
- support to find alternative accommodation.
It is possible your real estate agent or a government department has already suggested you take part in this program, or you may refer yourself. You can contact Centrecare directly or you can fax the completed referral form on our brochure to Centrecare. You can also ask your Property Manager to refer you. A Housing Support Worker will be available to support you in overcoming any problems with your tenancy.
Making contact
For more information or to be referred, please telephone the number below and ask to speak to the Housing Support
Worker for the Private Rental Advocacy and Support Service.
Mirrabooka (08) 9440 0400

The Private Rental Advocacy and Support Service is provided by Centrecare and funded by the State Government through the Department of Communities.